Brown, Warwick, 100 New Zealand Paintings by 100 New Zealand Artists (Auckland: Godwit Publishing, 1995), p. 36.
Caughey, Elizabeth, and John Gow, Contemporary New Zealand Art 2 (Auckland: David Bateman, 1999), p. 66.
Green, Paula, Four Strong Winds, exhibition catalogue (Auckland: Gow Langsford Gallery, 1996).
―, Omarama, Place of Light, exhibition catalogue (Auckland: Gow Langsford Gallery, 2002).
―, "Walking in the World: Michael Hight's Trust in Place," Art New Zealand, no. 77 (Summer 1995-96): 77.
Knox, Elizabeth, Wandering Eye, exhibition catalogue (Dunedin: Milford Gallery, 2004).
O'Brien, Gregory, Land of Milk and Honey, exhibition catalogue (Auckland: John Leech Gallery, 2004).
O'Brien, Gregory, and Paula Green, Michael Hight: Crossing the Line (Auckland: Gow Langsford Gallery and Michael Hight, 2014).